I am revising for my sports psychology exam next week. Three hours of writing by hand and I've been doing lots of
to clear the mind, which has been brilliant. And its Spring and thats wonderful. Its my favourite season, then Autumn, then Winter, Summer last. Especially after last summer. And I have not turned on the TV or read the news. And then I turned it on. Singer Sarah Brightman is going into space. Is this news? Or irony because she sang Starship Trooper. I think the space travel is happening because there's a asteroid heading our way and they don't want to tell anyone because there would be chaos and we would burn all the politicians and bankers, not pay taxes and run a muck. So they've got those who can pay to go up into space and perhaps connect with aliens from another planet - although looking at the ones they are sending up there - we're not exactly sending the best of our bunch - just the richest, most self obsessed and well connected.
Then there was more Farage bashing because the other parties pay their PRs more than he does and he seems to be apologising for everyone. But at least he speaks up for himself which is more you can say for the others. Cameron at least he letting down his guard. He looks more like a cabbage patch doll everyday squirrelling nuts into his cheeks.
He is not a man for the people, he thinks he is a man above the people. As do his friends (did he know Jimmy Saville as well? everyone who is anyone seemed to know Jimmy Saville).
And now he stands up for his friend Jeremy Clarkson who had a hissy fit because he didn't have a hot meal waiting for him at the end of a hard day's filming. I read all the other things he's allegedly done wrong and laughed. They are funny and ridiculous and yes we are all becoming terribly PC, so helpfully these pompous twerps can lead the way and allow the average Joe to throw a punch the next time they are served cold meat in a
after a hard day's work. JC is a spoilt brat and we're allowing him to be a spoilt brat. Just like Cameron, we vote for these pompous people, helping to blow up their balloons by watching them on TV and voting them into Parliament. Well not me. But allegedly most of us. Well actually not most of us because a lot of us don't vote. And even then it was a hung Parliament. Any way, all of the news on the news at the moment is non news, which obviously means there is much more important stuff to be told. When a guy selling cars on TV gets top coverage you know the world has gone mad. Any way back to the revision...
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