Friday 19 February 2016

ITS SPRING - yoga, writing and getting screwed.

Its almost the end of the February and this is the second blog of the year I think.  At this rate I'll be doing one a month, which is really what people should be doing.   They should be living and occasionally writing about it, at a push getting it published, and then into a film, TV series, stage play or APP or all of the above.   And despite the frost it smells of spring.   And I'm on the last module of my psychology degree and writing and yoga-ing.   I haven't been traveling as much as I'd like but then I have a lot to focus on at the moment.   And I'm aiming to go to specific destinations this year, I haven't gone to before.

I'm so enjoying teaching the yoga. Especially the children and the retreats and workshops.   I taught at GSK today and I'm pleased I'm out of the corporate world.  They are lovely people and not starchy in any way, but here I am working with aromatherapy oils looking all hippy walking into a glass bastion of corporate discipline.

I want to see Spotlight although that will make me cross because its about injustice caused by establishment protecting itself  In this case the Catholic Church. I'd like to watch The Big Short, but that will make me cross because its about injustice caused by establishment protecting itself. In this case the Financial Industry.  In both cases they knowingly and willingly screwed the general public - one literally    And they both knowingly and willingly got a way with it.     And are still getting away with it. Is there nobody of any importance who is able to break these systems?  There must be someone at a high level who is prepared to out those who are really to blame, not just the patsies who have been put out as guilty parties.  Or is everyone at a high level, been so corrupt in getting to the top they realise they are just as guilty as those they will out?    The real guilty ones should go down for good.  Don't let them have time to find God or any other get out of jail clause. These types never find God.   No wonder we have a spate of superhero movies.  Batman would know what to do.

Oh, and i'm going to vote out of the EU, simply because every time I hear some one from the 'establishment' say they want to stay in, I just feel they are knowingly and willingly screwing us again.  I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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